I decided to do something different with this story. I decided to post it on my website. So you have to click the link if you want to see the story.

In order to make that decision, you might want some information so...

Desperate Times
By: ML Thompson
Rated: PG-13
Size in text: 115 Kb (about 35 pages)
Description: There is only so much a girl can stand before she feels compelled to take matters into her own hands. In this story, Lois Lane decides that desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures.

Oh, and this is the story I made my first fanfic poster for. Which is located here: Desperate Measures Poster

Anyway, this is the site for the story itself (if the link doesn't work, the entire story is posted below):

Desperate Times

Hope you enjoy it.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane