Welcome to the boards.

"Too late."

"What?" She choked out, staring at him.

The grin was back. "Too late, 'City Girl'." he repeated.

For a few seconds, she could only stare at him. No one had ever tossed her verbal sparring back at her. Most made attempts that were really vocalised leers to which they then got the satisfaction of a slap or knee in the groin and the rest gave up or cowered in fear but nobody - nobody had tossed it back at her so comfortably. She was at a loss as to how react.
Nice introspective. You give them plenty of time to think without making the scene drag.

"Count yourself lucky, Kent - I was trying let you down gently." Ha! Let him chew on that for awhile!
Very first-scene Lois.

Lane had an ace up her sleeve that she was going to play.
Interesting. You have her call herself "Lane". I would have thought she would be on a first-name basis with herself. wink

Very nice story, especially for an introduction to the boards.

By the way, you would have to ask the admins, but I don't believe this board will let you duplicate names. Or I should say, I've never seen it done.

Also, you can check at the archive to see if another author has submitted something under that name. I would check myself, but either the archive is down or my computer is being persnickety.
