Hello everyone! Apologies for the lateness of my reply! Oooooh, but such exciting fdk! Yay!

Crazy_Babe! I'm so excited to see you. I didn't realize you were following the story. Yay! Thank you so much for that fdk. I'm not yet sure when part 20 will be posted. Hopefully, if things go well, sometime this weekend.

Hi Jackie! If we were able to get any of you FoLCs to feel more sorry for Clark than Lois (after everything we've gone through in this fic) then I think that's a real accomplishment. goofy But yes, poor Clark. <me pats> I'm glad you liked Scardino getting knocked unconscious - pretty funny stuff, if I do say so myself. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi Lara! Hah! Well I suppose if Lois really did forget who Clark was, she just might whop him upside the head too. goofy

That cupping of the cheek thing... that was all Sue. <me hugs> Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the "fifty revelations" part. <g> I just had to find a way to sneak that in somewhere. Thanks so much Ann.

Oh, Jojo! <DJ pats Jojo> Poor thing! Here, here's a tissue <DJ passes a tissue> You know... I just don't know <g> Did she mention he was Superman in there? Do they even have the journal?

Whew! So glad you still adore us... I was worried for a sec. Thanks for the fdk, Jojo!

Hi Alcyone! Action!Lois - hee hee - glad you enjoyed that. And for some reason your use of the word "doof" completely cracked me up. I had to LOL. I'm glad you're back with us again and thanks so much for the fdk!

Oooooh! SamEggert! That would be really evil, wouldn't it? <whistles innocently...> You don't really expect me to give anything away, one way or the other, do you? Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Lisa!!! I'm glad we were able to make you laugh. <g> Ooooh, and "almost feel sorry for Dan" -- hee hee.

I can't believe you did this, girls! I'm gonna cry. But, damn, this was a good chapter.

I know I started out this story really mad at Clark. But now I just feel so badly for him. No one deserves to be returned to the hardest moments with their loved one, those moments in which you aren't sure that love will triumph, over and over.
Awwwww! Thank you Lisa. Like I said before, it's such an accomplishment when you can start someone out absolutely furious at a character and move them to the point that they feel bad for that character and truly feel their pain. Yay!

No. No admissions or declinations from me about anyone's guesses... I'll just let everyone stew about it until the next post. <g> Thanks for the fdk!!

Hi Hasini! WOW! Just look at all that fdk. But ack! A cricket bat!? <DJ waves at Sue... RUN, SUE, RUN! Save yourself!!!> Hee hee....

Hasini - you can never be too paranoid... trust me. <g> I'm so glad you enjoyed that one whole long section. And the words Genius, Inspired, and Classic, totally made my day. <g>

Ack! I don't want to be responsible for anyone throwing any scenes out the window in the fics they are working on... a lot of ideas can be done, and redone, and done again. <g>

Your next line "IlovethisficIlovethisfic..." cracked me up and made me blush. Thank you!

Medical bills? Would a bandaid help? I'm just a poor writer you know. <g>

Again, glad everyone enjoyed the "Danbashing". <g> But I do find it funny that you were able to feel bad for him. Hee hee. You love the fic but you hate us? Ack!!! Well... at least you still love the fic... that's the main thing. <g> But this line:

Oh, my poor Clarkie! What are the bad, bad ladies doing to you?
Totally made me LOL - and snort! Cracked me up!

India's missile defense system?.... <DJ makes notes in her secret notebook - Hasini, possible secret agent...> laugh

*saves to hard-drive for future plagiarism*
ROTFL - well, mom always said that imitation was the highest form of flattery. <g>

Yes, most likely five more chapters. You're crying? At 5!? I could have said 3... or 2... wouldn't that be worse? <g> Oh dear, if it's not a cricket bat, it's a scepter. <RUN SUE!>

Hee hee - thanks for the fdk Hasini!

Tank!!! Hello there! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

It was amusing, though, to see her stumbling through a situation that she had no way to understand. You played it out quite well.
Ooooh, what a compliment. Thank you very much. When I first started this installment, I kept telling Sue how nervous I was to try and go from writing a 3rd season Lois with amnesia who had just gotten engaged...back to writing a 2nd season Lois who didn't even know Clark was Superman yet. Eeeek! I told her she'd have to help me stay on target...and she did. <g>

Oh, and in reply to your comment about finding it hard to believe Lois didn't notice her hair... Give the poor girl a minute to take everything in, would ya? <g> She had a lot to digest in those first few moments...

Thanks so much for the fdk!!!

Hi AnKS! <g> Thank you for the WOW! Glad you enjoyed it.

Hi Woody! <snort> Yes, Lois is not someone you want to break in on, is she? <g> And LOL at the thought of Lois forgetting who Superman/Clark is *completely* and him flying in her window and kissing her - the scene I had in my head of that was way too hilarious...

Thank you all so much for all your wonderful and generous comments. I loved them all! We'll see you back for part 20 real soon.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.