I have extremely little time, but I don't know when I'll have more time, so...

Bruce was surprised at himself that a small, romantic side of him wanted Lois and Clark to have a happy ending. Somehow, he was going to have to intervene without Lois knowing about it, or he would put her life and the deal she made with Luthor in jeopardy.
Oh, I just love it! And by the way, Chris, I don't know if you agree with me, but I have always - well, since 1969, anyway - seen Superman as the at least potentially romantic hero who really ought to get together with Lois Lane, but I have always seen Batman as someone who isn't going to really share himself with just one woman. Either he is going to be a playboy womanizer, or else he's going to be a loner. But this idea, that Clark's happiness with Lois is going to be important to old Bats - well, it just melts my heart!

“Honey – what’s the matter?” Clark asked, kissing Lois on her forehead. “Have I lost the magic touch with you already? You didn’t make coyotes howl that time.”
Oh, so sweet! I just love this. Of course, the reason why Lois didn't make any coyotes howls is no laughing matter.

“It’s your powers and abilities – no matter how much money he has, he wants to be you. He wants to have everything you have….”

“Including *you*. The SOB!” Clark accidentally set the chair adjacent to him on fire just thinking about it.

Clark’s pyrotechnics momentarily lightened the tension between them. “Not so much of a boy scout now, I see,” Lois smiled. “I’m flattered, Smallville.
Love this, too.

“Because I’m going to need a clone of me to go out on a date with Lex Luthor on Friday.”
Hmmm. Okay. But....

The cloned Lois started to have a change of heart. She was like a child – she may have been full-grown, but she didn’t have the life experience or maturity of an adult.
And now Lois and Clark are going to make themselves another clone-Lois and send the poor creature, who's child-like and immature, into Luthor's arms? I feel sorry for the poor clone.

“Well, first off, since I’m not as sexy and beautiful as the other world’s Lois Lane, I didn’t think that he would ever come on to me like he did her. And secondly, just because someone is evil in one world doesn’t necessarily make him a bad guy in another.”

Clark reached over to Lois’ face, gently holding her cheeks and pulling her into a kiss.

“Well, first off: WRONG! You are *just* as sexy and beautiful as the other Lois – even sexier, I think,” he said, taking his hand and slowly massaging her ample breasts until they hardened in response to his handiwork. “And, to your second point - don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s not like you to give anyone the benefit of the doubt – I have to say I’m surprised.”

Lois kissed Clark sweetly in response to his kind words. “They do say love is blind, Smallville, and when it comes to me, you have a lead blindfold on! You always know exactly the right thing to say, don’t you?”
Aaaaawwwww.... <happy sigh>

But I don't know what I think about this:

“Omigod. You cut some type of deal with him, didn’t you? To keep me safe… honey, *never* do that for me. You hear me?” he shouted, holding Lois’ shoulders. “I’m here to protect and save *you*, not the other way around.”
Guys who have very old-fashioned ideas about the man's "duty" to protect "his" woman may, deep down, have other old-fashioned ideas as well, such as the notion that the woman really is basically her husband's property. You have hinted, Chris, that no matter how sweet your Clark is, he may have some old-fashioned ideas, too. Did I read you correctly? Well, it is always interesting to see stories where the characters are realistic, and not quite so idealized as some of us may wish them to be.

Alfred gently squeezed her proffered hand. Then he turned to Clark, and extended his hand in a firm shake. “Mr. Kent – it’s a pleasure indeed to meet you as well. Master Wayne and I have been following your exploits closely. Master Wayne won’t admit it to your face, but he’s a real fan of yours,” he disclosed, smiling.

“And I’m becoming a real fan of his as well,” Clark replied, winking at Bruce. “We had a rough start the first time we met, but sometimes spending time with the person who is your exact opposite makes you stretch and grow.”
How sweet!

And I see Batman and I have one thing in common, at least - we both like Earl Grey!

Time is running out for me, so let me just say - i appreciated the Batwoman quip, and I didn't really get the impression that Lois is truly attracted to Batman (not so that she would possibly consider cheating on Clark, at least). But this Lois sure isn't shy in some situations!!!

Okay, Chris, now get on to the taking down of Luthor. And I'm sure you have more Lois and Clark B-plot to send our way.... laugh
