look, I like the idea of the twist in the tale....
and it works story wise...

but I am a little confused (for lack of a better word)

My Father is a psychiatrist, and I have worked with him as a secretary in the past...
Psychiatric illness is a grave and serious matter, and although manageable, it sort of touches a lot of nerves with me if I see people joking around about it... not that I take personal offence nor do I think that you intended to offend... just that It is sort of an area where I feel off at the thought of jokes made on the subject

I dont know what I am asking, just make sure in the future to be careful abbout such posts...
you would never get away with a racist/sexist/other prejudiced joke online.... why should it be different for the mentally ill, because they suffer tremendously with their handicaps, and don't need any more sufering through the promotion of negative stereotypes and jokes etc.

(NOTE: YOUR STORY did NOT have such bad connotations nor was it overtly offensive, but please be careful...)

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