Okay, I'm back with feedback.

“No,” Becca whispered. “No! You can’t love her. You love me! Me!”
Ah, this is so like a child to think that there isn’t enough love for someone else, too.

She pulled away from him, easily so, since he didn’t want to hurt her physically when he had already been so cruel to her otherwise.
I didn’t think he was cruel at all. I thought he broke the news very gently.

*Just tell her that you will give up on Lois* a tiny voice in his head pleaded for mercy as he watched Becca.
No, don’t do that. As Ann said in a recent post, Becca is just going to have to accept it. I agree with what UltraWoman said:
It wouldn't be fair for Clark to spend his life alone just to satisfy his daughter.
“Scout’s honor!” Clark replied and held two fingers up into the air to emphasize his words.
Going on my many years of being a Girl Scout myself and later being an assistant leader and also having been involved with Boy Scouts, I can tell you that it’s three fingers.

Come back soon.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~