Dave Masters is Los’ descendant and is from the future.
Ahhh! Knew I hadn't imagined that. smile Good that you've brought him back.

J’on shrugged and stood up. “I’m leaving. If you need me, call. Oh, that meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you up.”
JLA? Nifty!!

<~Then I believe there may be a problem. Lord K’al-El has had their marriage annulled.~>
He did? Dang... that's not right...

If Marisol is your grandmother then your parent from that line would be ¾ Kryptonian. If your other parent was fully human, you would be 3/8th’s Kryptonian and your child would be 3/16th’s Kryptonian, but we still don’t know what that would mean for your child.
gag! ugh! too... much... math...! brain.... hurts....! *lol* Just kidding - nice of you to break it down so it's obvious.

“John?” Chloe said neutrally.

“John Jones. We’ve been dating for a while.”
LOL! You mean J'on J'onzz, don't you? hehehe! (is it J'on or J'onn, anyway? I keep seeing both.. I'm a bit consufed now... who's the expert on these things? Ann?)

“Oh, Mom! Don’t call me that!” Then he muttered under his breath, “Makes me sound like a dog.”

Chloe giggled. “An Irish Setter?”
Giggled at the first line, choked with laughter at the second. hehehe! Nice!

Can't wait to see how Ben takes the twin thing. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies