
Poor Clark. How ironic. Lois is willing to forgive Superman his weakness and fear, but is not willing to forgive Clark. Of course, she doesn't think that Clark went through too much in the hands of Bureau 39 admittedly.

Your writing is amazing. I got so frustrated with Lois for not giving Clark any leeway, but at the same time, the way you've written Lois, I totally understand where she's coming from. And then, just when she's behaving horribly to Clark, she gives him back his dad's knife.


Also, the way you're writing this, you're really setting things up so that Lois's anger should defuse a lot quicker when she finally learns the truth. She's been badmouthing Clark to Clark, and dismissing the trauma that Clark has gone through.

I look forward to the next part.


I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.