Thank you, Terry.

And she's overcome so much heartache and tragedy in her life to work up to her current position and her career, and she hasn't let bitterness or pain over her own losses get her down. She chases the dragons and 'slays' them, but instead of dying they simply end up caged.

So sweet, so tender, and so very Lois at her best. I like the apparent fact that Perry knows something (maybe not everything), that Lois and Clark are learning to love each other before they make a physical comittment to each other, and I even like Lois's reluctance to be 'out' as a super-powered heroine. It fits this Lois perfectly.
That's exactly what I've been aiming for. This Lois has had to overcome a lot of adversity, a lot of loss and loneliness. There are many people in the world who wouldn't - or couldn't - overcome similar tragedies - who would let, as you say, pain and bitterness rule. But there are also people who do overcome incredible difficulties, who persevere, as this Lois has - and that is how I've always seen "our" Lois. Yes, she's driven and insecure and closed off - or she was, until she met Clark, and now she's letting go of a lot of those protective mechanisms.

And yes - she's obviously got a future with Clark - and probably a future as a superhero - but she has a lifetime of... aloneness to overcome. Growing out of that aloneness is a slow process (although, actually, when I look at the timeline I'm using to keep everything straight, it's only been a couple of months at the most since she met Clark). smile

Thank you all for your comments. These most recent ones - on Any Time At All and on this part of TGND - came at a time when I really needed to hear them.


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler