Oh, wow, Nancy. What a way for Chloe to find out that she is really pregnant. She looks at her abdomen with her X-ray vision, and she can see the fetus for herself!

Wow! I feel so sorry for Chloe. I like the way you write her emotional instability. What a good thing that Claire could be there for her sister.

I thought this was very funny:

“So did I. That seems to have been Alex’s fault, too. Remember how he danced with me at the Winter Dance?” At her sister’s nod, she continued, “Well, it seems the red kryptonite made me feel overwhelmingly... amorous.”

“Oh, just say it. You were horny. That’s what you told me before.”
Yes, "horny" is the word she would have used! lol But "amorous" is what Clark said when he talked to her about it!

And this - I love how you write it:

“No, I meant that we had sex again. Earlier tonight. Actually more than once ‘again’. A few agains.” She started crying again. “It was so wonderful.”

“Then why are you crying?”

“I dunno. I’ve jusbeen so motional.” She wiped the back of her hands across her eyes. “Ben seems to think I’m... pregnant...”
Poor Chloe, I can hear that she is almost crying.

Chloe looked inside her womb then sunk down on the floor. Claire sat down beside her and held her sister until she cried herself to sleep. When Chloe was finally asleep, Claire put a pillow under her head and covered her with a quilt. She sighed and thought sadly about their respective situations. She’d been raped and was facing a trial. Her sister technically hadn’t been raped, but she was still a victim of Alex Caudill.
Oh, how sad. But I love to see those two sisters together.

And poor Lara, did she wake up because she was mentally picking up Chloe's misery? Or was she aware of Los? No, his surgery hadn't started yet.

Chloe looked inside her womb then sunk down on the floor. Claire sat down beside her and held her sister until she cried herself to sleep. When Chloe was finally asleep, Claire put a pillow under her head and covered her with a quilt. She sighed and thought sadly about their respective situations. She’d been raped and was facing a trial. Her sister technically hadn’t been raped, but she was still a victim of Alex Caudill.
Oh, horrible. J'on actually feels Los's surgery? He can feel the scalpels cutting Los's tissue? And the pain is getting to J'on so strongly that he can't hold on to his human shape. What a powerful image.

And David Masters, Los's son, turns up to talk to Clark during Los's surgery! Wow! And his wife is pregnant. Will David and Harmony have a superpowered child?

Really very interesting!
