
“Great, Clark. Only, we don’t have any tiny problems!” Lois commented.
That's not such a bad thing... For us, anyway. wink

You… you could stay here. Until you find something else, I mean.
1) YAY! Lois staying with Clark!
2) Nooooo! Please don't find anything else. I want to dream about what they could be doing in the staircase... lol

“I could try to get her to marry, me, Becky,”
Oh... please do! Please do!! laugh

I love this part - it's the start of something nice. And ooooh! is it going to be nice in the next part!!! *dreamy sigh*

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies