Wow! I can't believe this even actually posted! AH! I waited an hour for it to show up and pretty much figured it never would... (so much for being right back. *lol*)

I promise to be better or Lara can come kick me.
Unless someone (like Green Arrow or Batman, for instance) is ready to foot the bill, that's not really an option. But I could mail you a boot and you can kick yourself with it. *lol*

Speaking of Lara, I am sooo in debt to her for her wonderful beta work (and beyond) on this chapter. I can't begin to explain everything she's done for this story.
Don't believe her. I changed a comma or two, asked questions about words I'd never heard of before (like abstruse) and stepped way over the line by adding bits of dialog as an idea of how she could continue the scene. That is being helpful? wink ..and as for the paragraphs at the end being better than her own. AH! As if!

“Keep this up, Clark, and I'm going to have to start calling you Mad Dog Kent. I knew I'd wear off on you some day.”
That's one of my favs. Mad Dog Kent. ROFL!!

“Don't be too hard on yourself. We can't all be perfect.”
This is so very Lois. hehehe!

“Lo-is,” Clark grumbled, unwittingly falling into her little trap. “I am not macho.”
Ok, I've told her about a million times now, but I just LOVE when Clark goes "Lo-is". Too funny. smile And as for not being macho... right... sure.

He was her support system, her calm in a storm - at times he was her very sanity - but he wouldn't allow her to offer the same.
Just beautiful! And very true.

Could he be talking about Mayson?
GAG! CHOKE! ARGH! /me drops to the floor. Noooo! Not Mayson. hehehe!

No, she told herself, she just didn't like Mayson and didn't want to see Clark with her.
Nobody likes Mayson. And nobody wants to see Clark with her!

Bottom dwellers note
Well, looky here... My bottom dweller seems to have decided to migrate! Make sure you feed him right. Oh, and his name is George, btw.
("I'll hug him and I'll squeeze him and I'll love him and I'll kiss him and I'll call him George!" - yes, I reckon I have watched too many cartoons!) You have no idea how amusing it is to me to see that someone else thought he was a nice one to have. He was one of my 2AM afterthoughts - I thought it was so witty to have someone present the notes at the bottom of the story and who better than someone who lives there, at the bottom. LOL! ...I am just a touch deranged, don't you know?

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies