Girls, I hate to disappoint you, but what you are telling in German isn't really referring to Clark's arms.

Ich bin groß und stark (I am tall and strong)...well, I don't think that Superman would say that, or any adult for that matter. I can't help imagine a ten year old boy who has just seen Poppey. goofy
LOL! I know. The sentence I posted is from the extremely old Berlitz classes book that my dad had and which I read when I was 12 -- I wanted to learn German. eh. wink And I will always remember that sentence because it was so completely useless, especially for me. And it is rather amusing if you have Superman say that, no? At least, I'm laughing... wink

As for the rest, hey, I've seen images of Superman with arms as big as a house, you know. ROFL!!! You should see the image I have on my desktop, actually. His arms are really HUGE. Really. It's not even sexy anymore, they're so big. And Batman looks puny next to him. hehehe!

Ich möchte so gerne in Clarks starken Armen liegen.
Don't we all!!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies