Thanks so much for all of your feedback.

Shadow said:
And PS, it does sound quite fun that you guys are both into fanfic! I can just see any of the guys I've dated so far saying, "I'm sorry, you want to do what?" <g>
Actually, James and I are so pitiful that many of our dates are all about fanfic.
..."Did you read the one...? No, don't tell me how it ends!"

..."How are you doing on your story? You need to quit playing with that section and move on."

...Yadda yadda yadda yadda.

Without fanfic, we might not have a love-life. >>Sigh<< /me looks blissfully at the big guy on my right

Caroline says:
could feel Martha's pain re: long car trips and kids with boundless energy!
I don't know. I avoid them like the plague. We made one 10-hour trip for a funeral and another 10-hour trip for a family reunion. However, I've blissfully blocked most of the actually road-time from my memory. I went to my happy place inside my brain. dizzy smile dizzy smile

Terry said:
This is not only cute, not only well-written, not only very original, but it's funny! The only thing that wasn't clear to me is whether or not Bobby has realized that Clark and Superman are one and the same. When he comments to himself that he can never sneak up on Clark, it seems like it, and when he muses that he can't see things the way Superman does it seems like it, but you never actually come out and tell us! Frustrating!
Thanks, Terry. I'll probably make some changes based on your helpful feedback. I hadn't planned on having Bobby remember enough to link adult Clark with the childhood accident. Clark with the photographic memory certainly doesn't remember, or we would have heard about it. But that would make for a really great revelation story.

I laughed at several points, including the part about the toddler having obvious entry and exit wounds. Did the key shoot out of the socket and slice through him? Or did his mother do that out of frustration?
My goodness! I'm glad James cleared that one up. That poor mother was probably only tempted. I know I would have been. wink

You can write another one of these just any time you want. I guarantee you I'll read it!
I'm full of 'em. Unfortunately, most of my vignettes never make it past the dinnertime conversations. I never lose anything on the hard drive since they don't make it that far.

I wrote this one at Christmas, but wanted to wait until the Holidays were over since that is such a special time.

Thanks to all who responded. Glad you enjoyed.
