Blind as a ba-at, blind as a ba-at... Now you know what Barbara was talking about...

From Blind as a Bat FDK:
Great work, Lara. And that title... *giggles* For some reason I won't tell you yet I find this especially amusing.
Barbara - I hope you will tell me, eventually! Cause I'm as curious as hell and people dropping hints like that really drive me nuts (ie: there's a line at the beginning of the story that describes Lois, but it's really more a description of myself.. I figured it would fit her too, though)
Lara, I think the inside joke has something to do with a story bakasi is working on?

Lara, I think the inside joke has something to do with a story bakasi is working on?
Yeah, I know it does. And I'm guessing this is something she would send me to BR.
Fooled you!! No beta for Lara on this one...

Cause I'm as curious as hell and people dropping hints like that really drive me nuts (ie: there's a line at the beginning of the story that describes Lois, but it's really more a description of myself.. I figured it would fit her too, though)
What are you talking about girl? I totally lost you...
Barbara said that something in that story made her laugh for reasons she wasn't going to tell me yet. And I'm sitting here going positively crazy with curiosity. Must be why it killed the cat, by the way.
Oh, I knew... I really did. But I couldn’t help egging it on a little...

You have no idea how much I cried and I hadn't even read a single line of the actual story yet! (can you say "overly emotional") And let's not get into how much I cried while I read the story... yeah, cause if I tell anyone, you guys are bound to have me sent to the sort of place where they have soft cushy white walls. <giggle>
Ah... You big softie!!

I have to thank Nancy who made the whole thing possible. You are an amazing beta-reader
Thank you! I enjoyed helping to make it possible (and making it such a surprise for Caro)!!

When I read this story, I told Barbara that I thought this story was her best work yet. It’s amazing, and I think it’s Kerth worthy!! I won’t quote right now because I need to go to bed, but I love this story!!!!

For LaraMoon (beware of the bats)
Happy Birthday... (And do beware of the bats)

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~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~