Hi everyone smile

Yes, I know I’m incredibly overdue in responding to this. frown Apologies! As I think most of you know, I was on holiday - having a wonderful time all over California <g> Kathy, we were in Concord, in the East Bay area, for a week, and spent time in both Napa and Sonoma (love those wine valleys!); then north-east of LA visiting Six Flags Magic Mountain; and then a week in Palm Desert. Went to Joshua Tree National Park... whoa, was that HOT!! No question of getting out of the car to do some walking... no way!

Anyway, back now but, as I mentioned in another thread, I’ve pretty much run out of buffer. Part 28 is now finished - and it’s a long part - but it’s with my BR at present and, as I think all writers will appreciate, you don’t rush your BR. wink As soon as she approves what I’ve done, I’ll post it. And in the meantime I’m trying to write Part 29! Thank you all for your encouragement, and your patience. I can’t tell you what it means to me to know that you guys are excited about the story and want to read more.

Now, on to your comments. I take it you were happy about the Suit finally making an appearance? <g> Certainly seems so, from the cheers and comments...

*sigh* spandex...
ROFL, Caroline! I’m glad you like it <g>

Whoo, put it on, put it... er, never mind.
LOL Karen! goofy

And Paul, thank you very much indeed!!!
some nice laughs, too... the danger of the baby pictures, clark's protestation that he could name himself, his reaction to the suit...
You made my week!!

But not everyone’s happy...
It's waffy and sweet. No major kisses, but lots of touchy feely stuff. Happy Clark, happy Lois, happy Martha, and happy Jonathan, everyone is so happy that it makes you want to puke. No tension of any kind between Lois and Clark, they are in perfect sync. The costume is created and nobody has any doubts that it will work. "Clark looks sooo different from this Superman" (baloney!).

Now, this was another waffy part. Great as usual, but it's starting to get boring. I mean, come on, you could have given us lots of whams by now to keep us on the edge of our seats until you return. But now we just have see them all happy. You know, this could have been the end... but as you said 'tbc', and there's more to come, I sure want to see some action again. So bring back some good angst and muse from California <g>
Oh dear! Tank and Saskia, what in the world am I to do with you? Or perhaps for you? I wonder if a little action would suffice? Or whether, since Tank’s Part 27.5 was pretty much his usual act of ‘reading’ my hard drive, I should finish on the major WHAM of Clark being exposed and having to go into hiding? While Lois’s credibility as a reporter is destroyed for not having exposed him herself, and she also loses Clark because he blames her for persuading him to go public? There - how’s that for a good ending? evil

Finally - Claire, welcome and thank you so much!!
Fantastic! This reader took all 27 (to date) parts at one read, and what great characters, with such an interesting take on the basic story line from the series. Wonderful romance too!
Wow! I’m amazed, astounded and deeply flattered. blush And I apologise for keeping you waiting for part 28, too; but I hope it won’t be very much longer - and that it’s worth the wait, when I do post it.

Thank you all once more - Kathy, Irene, Maria, Pam, Tank, Roger, Laura, Paul, José, Merry, Karen, Tricia, Shelley, Saskia, Sherry, Meni, Caroline and Claire.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*