Oh, this is such a powerful chapter! I love how Clark overtaxed his still-healing body and how his mother "knocked him over the head" for it! Sometimes we have to do a small injury to the ones we love in order to show our greater love.

To continue that line of thought, Clark must tell Lois his secret. Hmmm, no, Kal-El has to be the one. The investigation will move more smoothly once she's gotten over the shock, too.

And it will be a tremendous shock to her. In this story, she's shared so much more with Superman than she did in the series. Her declaration of affection for Superman in the series was shallow and superficial, but any declaration of love this Lois might make towards Superman will be real. The trials they've already shared have bonded them in a way that can't be easily broken.

Unless, of course, Lois can't find it in her heart to trust him again after he tells her that she's been working next to Kal-El for some time, and that the co-worker she dismissed so cavalierly is really the love of her life.

Bureau 39 is in for a double dose of Lane and Kent, and I believe they'll take down the bad guys. But Clark and Lois are in for a roller-coaster ride, too. I see some dark dreams still in the future for both of them.

Hey, I'm glad Clark is pretty much past his stuttering. That's a positive sign for him. Maybe he emotional healing is progressing as well as his physical healing is.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing