I don't have a lot of time to comment, but I have to say that this is still brilliantly written! But it is still frustrating, too.

You make me ache for Lois, for her desperate love and horrible fear for her missing Kal-El, presumed to be dead by so many:

Was he just up there, somewhere, already forgetting it all, while Lois Lane broke down into a million broken pieces?
Your text burns itself into my mind, with its many short, staccato sentences. I feel its nervous rhythm, like a pounding heart.

At the same time, I'm going crazy about Lois's utter denseness. How can she be so totally blind? Why can't she put two and two together? Why can't she see the absolutely astounding similarities between Clark Kent and Kal El, including the fact that both disappeared and got hurt at the same time? And how can she be so clueless about Lex Luthor? How can she scoff so mercilessly at Clark's suspicions of Luthor? Really, how can she be so painfully in love with Kal El and so utterly disdainful of Clark Kent? Lois, Lois, Lois. You think you don't need a shrink, but believe me, you do.

But Rachel, your story grabs me by the scruff of my neck and doesn't let me go until I have finished this chapter. It's so intense, so real, so alive.

But I feel like I was a kid, watching a performance of a fairy tale for children. I feel like I'm a part of the audience, and I just want to raise my voice and cry out to the stupid princess on stage: "Watch out!!! Don't you understand? The evil wizard is right behind you! And the frog is really the prince!"

Aaaah!!! So infuriating. But so fascinating, too, and so brilliantly written!
