If you have any stomach at all for elseworld stories, meaning you can cope with an alternate story where the soulmates don't end up together... just like HG Wells said sometimes happened.....

...then you absoulely must run to the archive and read the new addition: It Might Have Been by Ray Reynolds.

This type of story isn't for everyone, and even Ray realizes that. The disclaimers pretty much tell you how it will end. But it's worth the ride, really it is.

Don't let his disclaimers turn you off. Claims of "I'm not a writer" are to be ignored. No one can put together a story this bittersweet and this deliciously long unless they have some writer inside them. :-)

Remember The Butterfly Legacy? Same type of story, in that it has angst, tenderness, and addresses the all imporant what if. Yes, the ending might displease some. But if you can bear to explore the possibilities, please do so. whinging Keep the kleenex handy.

Not a writer? Hrumph and Humbug! What ELSE do you call a published author? confused



Jackie N.