Becca was right. He never told anyone, it was a family secret. All anyone knew was that Lily had wanted to see her parents and that both her parents and Lily were dead now.
Oh, my. I can hardly wait to find out what the mystery is.

The children staring at him didn’t even know that it was a famous soft drinks manufacturer who had invented that outfit.
Always Coca-Cola…

But, inexplicably, she enjoyed this walk with Clark.
Well, Lois, in the words of Tempus… Well, duh…

Lois realized that she had just gotten the first present that she considered as something you should really get on Christmas. She had made a friend.
Ah, yes, the best gift of all.

She waited. Lois glanced at Clark, her cheeks still bright red. To Clark’s utter amazement Lois didn’t seem adverse to the idea of kissing him. She even leaned forward a bit.
Love this.

“Hot apple juice with cream never fails to work!”
Ooooh… I’ve got to say that I’ve never had this, and I’m not sure I want to try it… But what do I know? I don't like hot drinks...

Great part...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~