Only 20ish chapters? That means you are almost done, and we will be sad...

She’d been clutched to his chest most of the time
She didn't recognize him, but it appears to be because she didn't see him properly, which I can excuse.

“No,” she snapped. “I wasn’t injured at all because the man flew us out of there. I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what happened. And I can’t explain it any better than you can. But a man in a blue suit and a red cape saved my life tonight, and you can just write that down in your little book because I’m not changing my story just because you find it implausible.”
Oh, I love Lois so much, the firebrand. But if I were the cop I wouldn't believe her either. She must have known that; I wonder why she chose to tell him about it at all?

There was something – something teasing the edges of her consciousness – but it stayed frustratingly out of reach.

He gave her a weak grin. “Are you kidding? It’s worth a concussion to work with the great Lois Lane.”

And that did make her smile.

His arms were around her, secure and sustaining, and it felt so wonderful that she wanted to stand there, just like that, for the rest of her life.
Sigh of happiness.

Oh! I just thought - she is going to tell him about the man! Because if she told a cop, why wouldn't she tell her boyfriend? And will he tell her the truth?

She saw it then – saw the thing they had found in one another stretching out into the future, saw all that it could be...all that it already was. It had almost ended that night, cut short by a fiery explosion, and she knew suddenly that she wanted it as much as he did. She wanted to see all that promise fulfilled, one day at a time.
And she thinks this even *after* she was rescued by a god in a cape. More happy sighs.

“Uh, yeah,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and stepping back, putting distance between them. “I guess...tomorrow will be fine.”
No, Clark, tomorrow isn't fine! The longer you wait, the harder it will be. (grumble, grumble)

I'd like to say a special thank-you to MrsMosley for putting her time and effort into making a trailer for this fic. I was so pleased - and incredibly impressed! Thank you again, Lisa
You're welcome, and thank you! blush

lisa in the sky with diamonds