I really have to quote my fav parts from this - cause they so rock!!!

“Lois, it’s late,” he complained.

“You look awful,” she stated.

“Thanks,” Clark replied wryly.
I love that!! She never tiptoes around the issue, does she? hehe! And I just love how Clark answers "thanks" hahaha!

“Do I also get a second chance to be your friend, Clark?” Lois asked, self-consciously.

“No, Lois,” Clark replied.

The hopefulness on Lois face turned into disappointment in a split second.

“You never needed a second chance with me,” he hurried to add.
and this is just... awwww!!!! he's so nice! I want one like that.... wink

/me is on my way to read the next parts so Barbara can post them. ...else I'm the one who's going to be in trou-ble. LOL

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies