To respond to Ann's question about how Dan using Mayson as bait (and putting her life in danger) might put a damper on the relationship, I'd think that being dead is just about the biggest buzzkill of them all.

Wonderful! Marvelous! Scary! Intense! Diabolical!

Who got shot? How bad was the wound? Was Mayson's life really in danger? Will this break the case open? Does Mayson's chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight?

(Sorry about the flashback.) This really is a great story, and this cliffhanger is as evil as they come, especially since I, for one, didn't see it coming. I'm looking for the next chapter just any time now. Don't delay! Readers are standing (or sitting) by!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing