Man. I'm lost in what you wrote. I can't believe the depth of pain, memory and sadness you brought to my monitor.

I'm mad at the Lane parents, but not as sad as I am for the Kents.

About the first time Clark had gone into superspeed, and Jonathan had had to search half the night to find the boy, who was huddled in a neighbor’s cornfield, lost and terrified.
I like how you put memories, little bits, one after another. This one really tugged at me.

“I—I love you, Dad. I…I might be a hero of the world, but…I’m nothing. You made me…you made me the man I am. I…I love you Dad.”

Jonathan Kent’s heart pattern flat-lined.
I wonder if he was waiting for Clark. mecry


I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.