Terry, I've just caught up with the last couple chapters and am sitting here a little bit awestruck. What a complex web you're weaving — and what a ride! (And we're only partway through!!)

I know I've said this before, and I hope I'm not sounding like the proverbial broken record here, but your characterizations are incredible. The opening lines of this chapter perfectly encompass both Lois' dedication and frustration with her position at The Planet. (Lord knows that what you wrote summed up my three years in an editorial position at UK's independent, daily student-run paper while juggling a full course load, another part-time job and caregiving responsibilities for my mom.)

I also love how you delicately handled the prospect of Superman having to leave the courtroom to deal with any kind of life-threatening emergency.

And this wonderfully unexpected paragraph made me laugh out loud:
As he stood, the bailiff called out, “All rise.” He waited until the judge disappeared through the door to his chambers, then lifted his hands and called out, “Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week. See you tomorrow morning at nine.”
*loves* Thanks for sharing this with us, Terry. I can't wait to read your next post!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien