Awwww!!!! Barbara! For me? You're SO sweet! sloppy This is a wonderful Christmas present!! Thank you!!

You know this is one of my favorite parts of the story so far. smile I think it's just brilliant. (yes! I mean that!)

What had started as a little curiosity had slowly turned into a landslide that threatened to destroy his camouflage.
I love this one - it's a great description; very poetic. very inspired.

She just knew that she was only able to sleep when he was around. She dreaded the darkness. There were thousands of shadows that seemed so threatening. Her daddy had explained to her that there was nothing to fear, but she couldn’t help it; Becca didn’t feel safe without him.
Poor little Becca! I always feel sorry for her when I read this. She's so small and so scared. awww! Poor sweetie!!

But she's got the strongest - and the most loving - person on earth for a daddy, so of course she feels safe with him. She's so lucky to have that...

She wanted to be brave, as brave as the knights were in fairy tales. Becca silently wished that she would be like those heroines her daddy had told her about.
...but she is! smile she's a wonderful and brave little girl. (and I'm crying now... of course!)

With him, she was strong. Becca imagined him as the invincible knight of the fairy tales. In her fantasy there was a strong, silvery gleaming aura around him that scared the shadows off. His presence was enough to make them vanish into nothingness.
This is so beautiful! Just the way a little girl would imagine her father to be. Especially this father. You can totally see how much she loves him and needs him and I just totally love that in this part - you can more than see it, you can really *feel* it. It's wonderful!!

Maybe he needed to be saved from the shadows? Her heart sank. She wasn’t brave enough; she wasn’t the heroine she would have liked to be. But she couldn’t leave her daddy tied up like that. Becca knew where the scissors were. Again, she gathered all her courage and took a brave decision.
See, she's such a brave little girl! She thinks that her daddy needs saving too, so she does what's necessary even though she's so afraid of the shadows. She lucky to have him -- but he's just as lucky to have her!!

“I…I’m not brave.” She sobbed and leaned against him.
Yes, Becca - you are brave!!

Becca couldn’t be caring for him, could she? Not after she found out how different he was.
....!!!! of course she can, you lunkhead! she loves you!!!! she's so totally daddy's little girl!!

He couldn’t manage to be the father that she needed. He was going to disappoint poor Lily who had been there for him when he had needed her.
Please... Please... can I kick him? just a little bit..?

“No, I’m not a wizard. I don’t know what I am,” he replied.

Becca shook her head. “You do,” she said. “You’re daddy!” She embraced him and kissed him, making him forget all the doubts he had had.

“I’m Clark,” he protested weakly and tears of relief streamed down his face.
Of course, you got me crying again... this is just so powerful a moment. So beautiful! I love how he's starting their game again, because to me, that means that everything is all right and everything will be fine.

I simply adore this part of the story! I'm so glad you posted it today - it's such a cool Christmas present. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies