Congratulations! Your story is wonderful, and you have somehow encouraged me to post on the BBs. I have read L&C for many years here but have rarely posted.

You mentioned that it was the replys to your story that kept you going through your finals and thanked everyone, so I felt that I should thank you for your story and hard work and how it has helped me and stay sane through the last couple of weeks.

I am the graphic designer/layout editor for five weekly, local newspapers as well as running my own disc jockey businsness on the side and raising 3 children. The Christmas season has been more than a little bit hectic. I have enjoyed NOTHING MORE than sitting down at the end of the day and reading your posts. I look forward to it more than anything during my day.

Thank you again for your excellent story and all of the others out there that I read on almost a daily basis.

Thanks Again