They had finally decided to go with spandex; that's what all the most fashionable superheroes were wearing these days.

the girls
I like this, it's very cozy and means that these women are "home" to him.

Do you mean his briefs? Around here, a "slip" is a underwear a woman wears under a skirt or dress. But maybe that's just a regional thing.

"Plus, you know... you're really very sexy in that suit," she whispered in his ear.

He blushed a little and hugged her back tightly. "Now I understand why it had to be this form fitting," he said, in a husky tone.

"Okay, well... I think this is my cue to go see if anything needs to be done... you know... elsewhere," Lana told them, with a soft laugh.
I am glad that Lana isn't jealous. Or she doesn't seem to be, anyway.

Right at this moment, both of them knew - in absolute certainty - that this is where they belonged. That this is where they were meant to be. That this is what it was like to be truly and completely happy.
Sigh. Lovely.

And fabulous Tempus wrap up. Absolutely inspired.

This was a great story, Lara. Thank you!

lisa in the sky with diamonds