Just some short FDK here....

"Um... I was just going to say 'not from Earth'. 'Alien' sounds awful and scary, like that movie with Sigourney Weaver.
Yeah, well... Clark sure is prettier than the aliens from Alien. He's prettier than Sigourney Weaver, too. wink

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said. "You're kinda babbling," he added as he saw the air of disbelief in her face.

Her eyebrows shot up and she was about to voice a protest, but he continued before she had a chance to speak. "I just think it's sexy," he said.
Wow, that's progress. Clark is telling Lois she is sexy. wink

"Slow down..." he laughed softly. "I won't exactly turn into a pumpkin at midnight, you know.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

"Lois? You've gone off to far-far-away land again..."

"I'm sorry... I was just thinking," she told him. "What was it you were saying? Empty rooms?"

He laughed softly. "Empty guest rooms," he explained. "Lots of them. If you'd rather not stay all alone in your apartment, that is."
Stay in an empty room? wouldn't it be nicer to share a room? (All right, all right, I know, I know. It's way, way, way too soon....)

"Clark?" She walked over to where he stood and took one of his hands in hers. "No matter what else you are - or what you *think* you are - you're a good, kind man. You went out of your way tonight, exposing a secret you've been hiding all your life, to come to the rescue of someone who has the power to tell the whole world who you are; in big bold letters, to boot. If that's not a selfless act, then I don't know what is."

"See, that's just where you're wrong. That wasn't the least bit selfless, Lois. That was actually very, very selfish." He sighed. "When I heard you... and I realized what was going on, I didn't stop to think about anyone other than myself. I even completely ignored every promise I had ever made to Lana; all I could think of was how much worse my life would be if..."
He was thinking how much worse his life would be if... if Lois died. So that's why he couldn't help himself, why he had to save her. That's lovely.

He slowly slipped his hand out of hers and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm really glad you didn't turn out to be a cat," he whispered.

She giggled softly. "So am I," she whispered back.
Sweet... but I wouldn't have minded if Lois had come with a cat.

He held her in silence for a few minutes. How he had managed to find her, he would probably never know, but right at this moment he knew that this is where he belonged. With her. She was the one person who made his world make sense. The one person he'd been waiting for his entire life. The one person with whom he could find happiness.

Lovely chapter, Lara.
