She wasn't certain if she should take that as a sign that he showed very little interest in her or simply that he didn't want to encourage her into asking him for the same type of details which she had agreed not to talk about tonight.
Oh, he’s interested, Lois. He’s definitely interested.

They sat near the fire after dinner.
Cozy, I hope.

any normal human female would have been
Oh, yeah… He’s pretty hot.

but when he was around her, at that moment, he knew that this is exactly where he was supposed to be. Somehow, he was supposed to be with her.

I didn't actually have all these adventures.
Yeah, I bet, Clark.

This was it. The interview was over. The evening was over.
No, no, no. Not yet!!

"Please don't finish that thought," he whispered, with a concerned expression.
Try to kiss her, Clark!!

She looked up at him and, for a second, he thought he might drown in those soft brown eyes.
Oh, me, too…

It felt like floodgates had just opened up inside each of them. For several long minutes, they shared kiss upon kiss, caught as they were in a whirlwind of emotions that neither thought they could ever experience.
Oh, wow…. Sigh.

soul shattering kiss
Ooh. I like this.

where they would life happily ever after.
where they would live happily ever after.

The front page of the Star seemed to scream at her, in the biggest and boldest type Lois had ever seen on a newspaper before. They had changed the title of her story into "I spent the night with Clark Kent". Under that was a subtitle in a much smaller font, which read "An exclusive interview by Lois Lane".
Snakes. Should have talked to ‘Elvis’, Lois.

"You see? That's what I was trying to tell you. I'm so... so very sorry. It was supposed to be my big break and now it's ruined, everything is ruined! I'm... ah, damn!"
Aww… Poor Lois.

I loved Clark’s reaction. If she hadn’t been there to explain, though, he might not have been so understanding, I bet.

More, more, more, more....

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~