I am enjoying this story and appreciate the frequent updates. I believe this is the first story I've read in which both Clark and Lois are the sole survivors of Krypton.

It's understandable with all of (your) Lois's baggage that she would be more hesitant to don the superhero costume.

I like how understanding / patient Clark is with all of this. He has a sensitivity here to others' feelings in which I think he lacks on the show.

I never like Lois as super heroe
Personally, I find reading AU stories in which Lois is super-powered a welcome reprieve from the pervasive characterization of Lois (on the show esp.) as the perennial damsel in distress.

I don't see why Lois actively pursuing danger and being in need of Superman to rescue her is preferable to her actively helping others who are in genuine trouble.

[I disliked that aspect of the show - obviously before Superman arrived, she must have been able to atleast get herself out of jams with her reckless risk-taking tendencies.]