Eep, I know I'm a little late to the FDK party, but I digress.

DJ, this. Is. Brilliant. As soon as I read the title, one of the little voices in the back of my brain said, "!!! A play off the Adam Sandler-Drew Barrymore loveliness, maybe? Amnesia! Maybe? Even if it's not, this is going to be fantastic."

So I clicked. I read. And I *loved.*

And now it's going to be co-authored with Sue! !!! You're both terrific writers. And together? You two are going to rock this board's face off.

My favorite bits have already been quoted, so I won't post a study in redundancy, but suffice to say I can't wait to see the next post. smile1

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien