Thank you guys so much! I never expected this lil' ficlet I typed out in all of eight minutes to spark such discussion, but I'm so glad it did!! smile1

Ann, as usual, your stellar feedback and inferences leave me with a big smile on my face. It's amazing how much you can take away from just a few sentences. And while I'm really intrigued by how you see Lois and Clark through the lens of the comics, I do have to agree with C_A on this particular take on Lois and Clark's relationship within the context of the show; it seemed that he almost instantly fell deeply in love with Lois, insofar that his love for her was as inarguable that the sky is blue.

But Lois? Her love for Clark wasn't as apparent, at least not in the beginning. Committment scared her. Clark's steadfast loyalty scared her. And she avoided her feelings for him for a long time, refusing to admit how much he meant to her.

So that's why Lois' declaration of undying love for Clark is somehow inherently more powerful for me. (Not that Clark's feelings for Lois are in any way meant to be invalidated by that statement — his love for her is just as touching, though in a different kind of way.)

And now, I've gone on a tangent of my own. laugh Ann, C_A and DSDragon, thank you all so much for reading, and for your lovely comments! And please don't ever think I'm offended by discussion — it makes feedback even more fun to read!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien