Dandello, I am just now catching up on this story, and it is great! Hope you don't mind a lot of FDK here from many of the previous chapters. I didn't want to bring all of your comment threads up to the top.

I seriously love Clark's reaction to discovering that SR Lois & Clark are in his world. Not suprise, not shock, just, oh dear lord here we go again. But I am suprised that SR L&C took it as well as they did. Especially Lois.

"And try to stay out of trouble.” He looked straight at Lois. “If that’s at all possible.”

“Wanda,” she announced. “Wanda Detroit.” She looked disconcerted when Clark began to chuckle.

“Well, Ms. Detroit,” he said, fighting back laughter. “I’m sure the Stardust Lounge will be pleased to know you’re back in town.”
It must be seriously strange for SR Lois that our Clark knows her so well when they've barely exchanged ten words. Talk about disconcerting. But I love it, it's like a huge in joke.

Such sweet scenes with Lois and Clark and the birth of the baby.

And good heavens, SR Lois is clueless!

This relationship (for lack of a better word) between the four L&Cs and Martha and the kids is absurdly funny ... and SR Lois still isn't getting it!!! And the fact that our L&C are older than SR L&C makes them seem so much more adult and pulled together and calm. SR L&C seem childish, and it is amusing!

“No, I’m married to Clark Jerome Kent who happens to have a second job that doesn’t pay at all well, that involves dressing up in a blue body suit and red cape so he can go flying around rescuing people, and having bad guys shoot at him,” Lois said. “Clark Kent is the one who said ‘I do’, takes the kids to school, helps pay the bills, holds my hand, sleeps in my bed, and was my birthing coach for four babies. Superman didn’t do any of those things. He can’t. He’s not a person, he’s a job description. You need to be looking for the man doing the job, not the description.”

“When you look in the mirror in the morning, who looks back at you? Clark Joseph Kent, son of Jonathan and Martha Kent, or Kal, son of Jor and Lara of the house of El? When they find your dead body, who do you want them to identify you as?”
You have such a knack for bringing the issues down to the basics. Like this speech and Lois's to Wanda above.

And you're throwing in a whole New Krypton plot line! Goodness, you are ambitious.

“I should be working on a way to get you and your Lois back to where you both belong. But the usual suspects haven’t shown their faces yet either to apologize or to gloat, depending which one, so I don’t have a lot to go on.”
Clark definitely has a snarky edge!

Wanda’s head was beginning to ache. She’d never liked political discussions and legal matters, aside from libel and copyright law, left her cold as well.
I'm with you, Wanda. Part 12 made my head spin.

You like science, don't you? (Not a bad thing, it makes for a very detailed story.)

“Don’t be so full of yourself. The world got along fine for six years without you,” Wanda reminded him.
Darn tootin'! laugh

Lois is now a Kryptonian! That's something I never expected.

Tez?! No!

Lois and Clark must have really feared something like this would happen if they were willing to keep kryptonite in the house.

“Do you have a gun and Kryptonite bullets?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Right here,” Richard said, picking up a lead-lined bag large enough to hold a handgun.
Seriously???? Dang. Clark *really* doesn't mess around.

Great story, I am looking forward to the next part!

lisa in the sky with diamonds