It was a feeling of recognition, as if they’d met before and somehow gotten separated, and now they were saying, “Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
You expressed this so well.

On Monday, they had made incredible love on two hours’ acquaintance, and on Tuesday, he had awakened to find her gone. On Wednesday, he found out that she had lied to him about who she was and had tried to cost him his job, and on Thursday, they had exchanged passionate kisses and confessions on a millionaire’s balcony. Now it was Friday, and they’d had a nice lunch together and held hands for a few minutes in the park.
I had forgotten this all this had happened so quickly. Talk about making your head spin. They had more drama in one week then I have had in my entire life.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: love, love your Martha!

“I never liked a boy well enough in the eighth grade to eat eels for him.”

Banter! You do great banter! (/me is in jealous awe)

Another great chapter, Caroline. Thank you!

lisa in the sky with diamonds