He knew that Clark was a very bad liar and that his excuses often were rather lame. But he also knew that Clark was a very honest person.
Ah, but I don't agree here. Clark is not a bad liar. If he was, his secret identity would have been blown long ago. And because he is lying about himself daily, he isn't such a very honest person.
Ann, I think you have to remember that Perry is saying Clark is a bad liar and is no doubt referring to Clark's stupid excuses like returning a video or picking up his cheese of the month shipment.

Also, Clark is lying about himself daily, but we all do that. It doesn't mean that with the really important stuff that we aren't honest. And if Clark didn't lie, he'd have no private life at all, and he'd be pretty depressed and what good would a depressed Superman do anyone?

I guess the reason bakasi says I 'saved' Luthor is because I made her make him more evil. Originally he was just too darn nice.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~