Ann and Maria have both touched on something that has caught my attention ever since Talan came on the scene. She's nothing like Lois. Both of them are determined to do what they think is the right thing, but while Lois is fire and fury, Talan is cold and rigid. Lois is mercurial, Talan is devoted to the command structure and to New Krypton. Lois wears her heart on her sleeve, while Talan doesn't even let herself know how she feels.

Yet these two women are so similar in other ways. They are both devoting themselves to protecting the weak and oppressed. They are both committing vast amounts of personal resources to their respective causes. And I think they both love Clark.

I had thought earlier that Clark might turn to Talan for comfort, but I'm thinking now that I had it backwards. Talan may turn to Clark and ask him for something he isn't able to give - his love. And she might settle for the pleasure of his company while she loves him, although I doubt that Clark would agree to such an arrangement.

I'm impressed that Zara has come to care for Clark as a brother. I have no thought that she would offer that comfort to Clark, but it's a good thing that she's there for him as a friend. I hope he makes use of his friends network, small as it is.

And I hope Lois continues to have success in her maddeningly slow diplomatic efforts without feeling that she's sacrificing time with Jon. I can't wait to read the chapter where she tells Clark he's a father. I suspect that revelation will both generate and release a lot of anger on both their parts. On Lois's part, because she's had to be Ultra Woman and Mommy all by herself (with help from the Kents, of course) while Clark was gallivanting all over New Krypton with all those hotties from outer space. On Clark's part, he will be angry at Lois for not letting him know about Jon (never mind that she had absolutely no way to contact him!) and angry at himself for abandoning them. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

Oh, one more thought: Down with Alon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing