
This Lois is cruel and unusual, which adds up to punishment for Clark. I'd suggest that he take her out back of the barn and tan her hide, but she'd probably enjoy it too much.

Seriously, this is the kind of thing that happens when people put the physical ahead of all other aspects of a relationship. There's no way either of them can keep their sex life on a business-only plane, and it's going to create total havoc for them before much longer. I'm eager to see just how much trouble they can get themselves into before they come to their senses and get themselves out of it again.

In one way, this story is a bit like "Stardust" (another WIP on this board), but in many other ways it's completely different. This is a very sexy and very diffferent take on our favorite pair, and you have so many ways to go from here that I can't enumerate them. I will, therefore, restrain myself, and patiently await the next issuance from your prolific keyboard.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing