When I wrote this, I could barely believe how long I managed to not let Lois and Clark meet.
I couldn't either. I was so excited when they finally got together... even if that first time didn't end so well....

Someone tugged on his hand and whispered his name. The voice was familiar. Clark’s eyes fluttered open, and he saw Lois sitting next to him and watching him anxiously.
Oh, yeah. Very nice body.
A brief memory of Clark opening the door to her, only dressed in a towel, crossed her mind. She seemed to remember that he had a very tempting body.
Get a clue, Lois!
Lois looked at the man in front of her. Where did this strange attraction come from? Was it his slight resemblance to Superman? The dark hair was the same. And she had seen even this boyish grin on both their faces.
Hurricane Lane!
It had provided him with the ability to keep calm regardless of whatever disaster he had had to face. But it hadn’t prepared him for Lois. She had brought him close to the edge so often. But now he felt that he was falling, and that he had been pushed beyond the edge.
Does Clarkie have the sniffles... er.. wait wrong show... a migraine?
“Migraine,” he winced. “Go, Lois, get outta here! Get outta here, all of you! Now!” Clark roared the last part.
As I previously told Barbara, this is a darn good description of some of the migraines I've had. (And she's never had one like this before.)
He clutched his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to block out the millions of voices and noises, but it was in vain. Clark groaned and his legs gave out as all the sounds of the city flooded his senses. It was early morning and the city was as busy as ever. There were planes taking off and thousands of cars driving through the streets. People talked to each other in all different types of languages. He ceased to see anything, and his breath was racking. The pain in his head was almost unbearable
Okay, Barbara. I hope Lois will start suspecting that Clark might just possibly not have a wife sometime soon. That the secret he was talking about was something else.
Ann, I'm sure Barbara won't mind me saying it gets worse.... devil

Great story, Barbara!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~