Nancy, I absolutely love Lara - she's just plain adorable, this one. I wish I had one just like her!

And I think "4 years old talk" is just too cute, you can't help but want to hug kids when they say things they think are right (like the puzzle bit).

Quicky little story (which, hopefully, won't get lost in translation too much): one day, I was in a courthouse, waiting in line for the ATM (eh!). In French, courthouse is "Palais de Justice" which would translate (word for word) into "Palace of Justice". Upon being told this is where she was, an adorable little blond girl, about 4 or 5 at most, started jumping up and down, all excited. She begged her mom to let her see the King. Since a King would live in a palace and this was the Palace of "Justice" whom I expect she tought would have been the King. (yeah, ok, it sounds better when told in French, but OMG did I ever find this to be adorable!! I've been telling this story for about 10 years now. hehehe!)

Okies.... enough babbling! smile

Well, I... I'm being too much of a scientist, huh?
hehehe - I like that she got a clue! wink Liking her better again.

Loved this part! You had me laughing quite a few times. smile And several aawwww's when Lara was around, too!!

I can't wait to find out who that was with the T-5 and what's going to happen. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies