Maria wrote:
I can't image a military with rank that don't see that is being manipulated to put his career on the line.
Unfortunately, Maria, this kind of thing has happened ever since nations organized armies. Here's just one example. In early 1863, during the bloodiest part of the American Civil War, the general in charge of supplying the Union (Northern) troops with weapons was given a chance to acquire the Spencer repeating carbine, which could fire up to twenty-five times each minute, as opposed to the standard muzzle-loading rifle, which fired maybe three times a minute. The general reasoned that if he'd learned to shoot on that muzzle-loader, then by gum, the Union troops would too! Besides, if they had a rifle that fired that many times, they'd probably just waste ammunition, and the brass cartridges the Spencer fired were a little more expensive than just powder and shot.

It took a direct order by President Abraham Lincoln to get around that general, who was fiercely protecting his territory, and get this weapon into the hands of the soldiers in the field. And this guy Daros acts like the same type of by-the-book thinker, one who believes that the only valid military thinking is inside the box, way far away from the edges. I suspect that Nor's troops are going to give Talan's forces a licking, at least to begin with, and Talan will have to make a number of unpleasant choices, some of which may take her close to that line near the darkness. In fact, she might even have to choose between her ethics and the survival of her command.

And Clark still has to face the darkness inside himself, the darkness that Nor let in when he tortured Clark beyond human endurance. He won't recover fully until he lets go of all that pain and guilt, and I fear that he will indeed turn to Talan for help in that area. But soon, she may not be able to help anyone, least of all the First Minister.

And how long will Alon be able to stay hidden in the shadows? Who will ferret him out? How much will he reveal once he's taken? And will a certain someone let him live once his treachery is revealed?

This is still good, Rac. Keep it coming!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing