Okay, you'll get a bit more FDK here, Barbara....

Some people love to hate Luthor, but I just hate him. But you put this impressively:

“You aren't really telling me anything I haven't already heard, Kent,” Henderson said in a sad tone of voice. “There has been a lot of rumours lately but no evide nce at all. I can’t go to Luthor and arrest him without a good reason. If only half of the things they say about him are true, I won't only lose my job but my life and family.”
So Henderson doesn't dare to try to arrest Luthor, because if only half the things they say about him are true, Henderson won't just lose his job but his life and his family, too? Talk about a horrible situation and a horrible criminal.

Whatever Clark Kent couldn't get, Superman could get at once. It was this way with Lois and surely the same with most other things.
What a good observation! Maybe Clark wants to be "just plain old Clark", but he wants to be able to play his Superman card, too, whenever he needs it. The best of both worlds, eh? Okay, but it drives me crazy every time he insists that he isn't Superman, because Superman does not exist. Hey, he is real enough to get you a lot of advantages, don't you agree, Clark?

Lois was still at work when her telephone rang. As she was still filled with the memory of her strange dream, she hadn’t really managed to be productive. She didn’t understand it. She knew that her subconscious was trying to tell her something, but Lois had absolutely no clue why it had her dating Clark so it could do so.
Galactically stupid, cosmologically stupid, quantum theory stupid, big bang stupid, particle physics stupid, cosmic microwave background stupid, blazing active galactic nucleus stupid, let's-demote-Pluto-from-its-planetary-status stupid.... Did I forget anything?

Oh, yes. Whatcha think your subconscious is trying to tell you, Lois? How about you love Clark? Duh. :rolleyes:

They told me that your Mr. Kent married a Sarah Elaine Warner seven years ago.”

“Is he still married?” Lois asked hoarsely.

“Oh, yeah, he is, but ya’ could say that the couple’s kinda livin’ separate,” Mr. Greene replied.

“Where does she live?” Lois wanted to know.

“Metropolis Penitentiary for Women. She committed homicide when she burglarized jewelry,” Mr. Greene explained.
My, my. Old Lex boy has been busy planting evidence, hasn't he?

Lois felt her heart beat thundering in her head. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard.
Good, Lois, because you really, really shouldn't believe it! razz

Lois felt once again like she was losing something very special. But why was this? She didn’t love him so it couldn’t be the fact that he wasn’t free. Was she feeling sorry for him because her mild-mannered, honest partner shared his life with a woman who betrayed him? Was she feeling sorry for him because he was separated from the person he apparently loved deeply?
Wow, this is plain amazing! The number of reasons Lois can come up with for feeling sorry to hear that Clark is married, and still not acknowledge that she loves him! I've got to hand it to the woman, she is turning denial into an art form. Like being... dark energy stupid? Hubble constant stupid? Accelerating universe stupid? String theory stupid? Strings and stay-ups underwear stupid? (No, wait, we are in the PG folder... ooops... blush )

Lois remembered her dream, and for a short moment she wished that someone would love her that much.

Her Dream-Clark had affected her with his kiss beyond belief. It hadn’t been demanding or hungry. The passion in it wasn’t forcing her to do something against her will, and it told her so much about the kisser. It had conveyed a deep love and admiration, a shy begging to get more. It had been a foretaste of what could have been if they had continued.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! Adorable!!!! sloppy

Lois had no clue what was going on in Clark’s head. She would have liked to ask him, but could she go straight to him and admit that she had investigated his past without his permission? He trusted her, maybe not enough to tell her his darkest secrets, but she was pretty sure that he trusted her.
Poor Lois. I like that she is feeling guilty.

*You haven’t told me your secret, have you?* she had asked him.

*No, I haven’t ,* he had replied.
And he has admitted that he is keeping a secret from her.

Now she knew his secret, and she somehow wished that she had been less curious.
You think you know it, you Queen of Cosmological Cluelessness?

It must be hard for him, she thought. Maybe he was running away to visit her or to catch a glimpse of the woman he loved. Maybe he ran away to hide the tears when he was missing her badly. She couldn’t even imagine what Clark might be enduring.
But this is sweet, her compassion for Clark.

What had he wanted to gain with his declaration of love? Had he wanted a woman he could touch? Or had he wanted to save her from Luthor, who he said was responsible for his misery?
What on Earth did you do to win those Kerths, Lois? Did you actually investigate things?

But he wasn’t right about Luthor. She should help Clark to see his wife for what she was. He was the one who needed to be saved.
All right... if this means you'll try to spend time with Clark....

The past year had been so much better than many others in his life. He had found the place he wanted to be, the place where he felt at home. Lois Lane had made it a home though she didn’t even know that. She had helped him to live without the bounds he had had to wear since his childhood. Even though he rarely had any spare time now, Clark Kent had never felt so free.
Oh, so sweet!!!

But Lois had made this free time special. Every single minute with Lois counted. Even when she had been snobbish and offending, he had enjoyed being with her. Of course he liked her to be friendly to him, but that wasn’t a must. He wanted to be with Lois, not with an ever-friendly fantasy. Her stubbornness and her tendency to get in danger were part of her, even though they drove him crazy sometimes. He loved her for who she was. He admired her intelligence, he loved her humour, and he saw how beautiful she was. It wasn’t just her looks, though they were adorable enough. Lois had a beauty coming from deep within. Her soul was beautiful, and it touched his in a way he had never experienced before.

“What are your dreams, Mr. White?” Clark inquired.

“Truth,” Perry replied. “I came here with the urgent desire to make people see the truth.
I like this. So perfect for Perry.

What about you, Mr. Kent?”

“Justice and freedom,” Clark answered but didn’t explain.
Well, I'm glad that Clark doesn't pretend to be the champion of truth. Justice and freedom is much better for him. (But, eh, Barbara... surely Perry would say Clark to Clark?)

I just want to know why this ship sank so abruptly.” Perry gave in.

“That’s easy to say but hard to prove. Lex Luthor destroyed this building.” Clark sighed.

“If you’re right about that then we will prove it,” Perry stated and looked at Clark.

“I’m going inside now and see what I will find. Maybe the police missed evidence,” Clark told Perry.

“I’m coming with you,” Perry said immediately.
Hmmmm.... Having Perry tag along will not necessarily help your investigation, will it, Clark?

Perry and Clark kept silent, and both were nervous but for different reasons. Clark knew that even if the building collapsed on him, it wouldn’t hurt him. That was different with Perry. He would give his secret away with out hesitation if Perry was in danger. But never-the-less, Clark feared that he might not be fast enough. He stayed close behind Perry always looking out for the unexpected.

Perry was nervous because he hadn’t done much investigation in the past couple of years. He knew that they were in a restricted area, and if the police showed up they were likely to be in trouble. For him that didn’t matter so much, but Clark was still young, and problems with the police were never good, not even for a reporter.
Clark worries that Perry will get killed, and Perry worries that Clark will get in trouble with the police! I love that they worry about each other.

Lex was still waiting to hear from Lois. She surely had found the evidence for Kent’s marriage by now. He was ready to soothe the girl; maybe she was so angry at her partner that their friendship was over by now, but he didn’t count on that. All Lex wanted was to emphasize that he was the good guy.
Well, Lois may be galactically stupid, but I'm so glad you made me feel that she still likes Clark. (Oh, I know, I know, she loves him, but the Bird Brain from the Milky Way doesn't know that herself.... :rolleyes: )

Okay, Barbara! This is a very sweet chapter, and really entertaining, too. Of course, I would most definitely appreciate it if you would blow some of that cosmic dust and fog out of Lois's eyes and brain, so that she understands who she really loves. Will you do that for me, please? Pretty please?
