Great part, Bakasi!

Poor Clark....
He had lost her. *Lost Lois, lost Lois,* the thought resounded in his head. But unlike an echo, it didn’t fade away but grew even more intense with every repetition. Clark seemed to drown in his misery; he was aware that it was his fault that he had lost her. If he hadn't rejected her, he wouldn’t feel so lousy now. Would this be an ever present pain, or would he learn to live with it, someday?
You really make us feel Clark's pain.

You don't know the half of it, Lois....
It would mean that he had concealed an important part of his life.
Evil, Evil, Evil man!
It was almost too easy to have Clark’s marriage certificate appear in the archive of Smallville’s county office.
Maybe if we can get Clark and Mrs. Cox to 'work' together (haha), it won't take them 70 hours to stop the wedding of Lois and Lex.

Well, yeah, duh, Lois. You are ignoring the fact that Lex Luthor is a supremely evil bad guy.
She tended to ignore other things that were right in front of her, but documents weren’t among them.
Oh, No!!
Mrs. Cox couldn’t resist looking behind it. The sight of red, blue and yellow was worth the previous fruitless search.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~