LabRat!!!! rotflol rotflol rotflol

When Nancy, DJ, I and a couple of others wrote our round robin story, Strange Revelations, we had some outrageous fun with that name. For a while Nancy and I, at lest, feared we would never get the name right again, since we (or Nancy, rather) had come up with so many variations of it. LatRat, MabRab, RabLab, RatMat... eh.... Where were we? sloppy

And Clark cleans up the farmhouse, making it homey and cosy. He makes his Mom's apple pie for Lois, using his heat vision (aaaaaawwwwww!!!!) and Lois takes the dog (LabRat!!!!) for a walk. It's going to be good for her to have a dog. Well, it's good for everybody to have a dog. It has been proved that dog owners live longer than others, perhaps because of the daily exercise they get, walking their dogs.

And then Lois and Clark go to bed, and you are keeping things firmly within the limits of the PG folder, and I ain't saying anything.... wink

“You know what, Clark? Is it possible for you to sleep in the same bed with me and not – you know – do anything? I don’t know that I want to sleep alone here.”

“Is cuddling allowed?” Clark joked. “If it is, you’ve got a deal.”

“Deal,” Lois replied, grinning.
Okay, deal! Looking forward to the next part then, Chris! wink
