I just love this whole chapter. The L & C conversation is just too funny. I can just see Lois standing there with wide brown eyes, totally smug because she is convinced she has figured out Clark's secret. And Clark is torn between happiness that it is out in the open (he thinks!) and the nagging feeling that something isn't quite right...

Lois must have left this for him.
The first time I read this, I literally gasped out loud and then laughed. You played this revelation so well, Rhea! Totally unexpected. So if it wasn't left by Clark and it wasn't left by Lois, then it must have been...

(Perry) wondered if his little plan had failed. He was certain that Lois had found that card he had made.
Ha! The old softy.

He had been feeling out of sorts with Alice, and he knew that his feelings of unease were what had prompted this matchmaking attempt. Besides, those two belonged together. If they didn’t resolve their unrequited feelings soon, he was certain that one or both of them would quit the Daily Planet and move on. He had a newspaper to run.
Nice contrast between practicality and sentimentality.

She decided that the next time he wanted to do one of those disappearing act, she was going to insist on going along with him. Didn’t he realize that he needed her? Lois was the one who was always pushing the limits of the law. Wasn’t she the one who was good at getting information even when someone refused to talk? She was the one who owned a lock picking kit for crying out loud! Not that she ever remembered to take it with her, but that was beside the point. Lois didn’t even know if Clark knew karate. She nearly had her brown belt in Tae Kwan Do. Why hadn’t the government approached her? She would make a far better spy than Clark Kent! After all, he wasn’t Superman!
A mini-Lois rant, and it's all taking place inside her head! That is so her!

I am proud to be acting as beta on such a sweet and funny story. Great work, Rhea!

lisa in the sky with diamonds