Thank you, SNL, for recommending my story to others! I appreciate that, and I'm glad that you are reading bits of it again!

And thanks for this:

This story is getting better and better!
I'm working on some rewrites, so there will be a lot of new stuff when it gets to the archive.

Thanks for all your wonderful comments, Ann. The reason I haven't been calling you Ann is because Auntie Toccie and the 46 uplets have been on my mind. Haha!!

Specifically this from feedback I left on DJ's story:

DJ and Nancy have both made Auntie Toccie happy in the same week. What's the world coming to? Ack... 46 uplets are all sitting on her knee screaming for a good story and TOC is making everyone come across.....

And yes, Maria inspired me to let Lois see her children - indeed to let her come to the wedding.
Thanks Maria.


Yes, I'd have to agree especially since one of them will one day be the ruler of New Krypton!

I guess that if they came across someone on Krypton who held a lower station in life than them, their behaviour would be quite different.

I like nice Lois much better than mean Lois!

Oh, I love her adorable frankness, particularly when she is so nice, too. Thank you for not making Lois mean, Nancy... but then, I guess that after she has been married to Clark for many years and has had several children by him, she really wouldn't be mean anymore.

I'm glad she looks beautiful - a girl deserves to feel pretty on her wedding day - and she can't look too pregnant, if she still fits into her grandmother's wedding dress. (Unless Granny was expecting, too...
I just figured maybe Granny was a little bigger than Jenni, and then, too after major surgery, a person tends to lose weight, so I figured Jenny wouldn't really look pregnant yet to most folks.

Thanks for the great compliment, Ann. You have made my day!!

Let me seize the opportunity to say that your stories are such a lot of fun, too. Amazing things happen in them, but people somehow take most of incredible occurences in their stride, as if these fantastic goings-on were to be expected. You have a comic book set of mind, Nancy, and I mean that as high praise

As for Ellen... Since Lois considered Zared her child, then I'd think Ellen would also consider Zared's child to be her great grandchild - even if it wasn't biological.

Lucy knew and Sam had found out, but for obvious reasons, Ellen had never known.
Because she was galactically stupid?
I figured it would be mostly because she was galactically rattled and just wouldn't remember the importance of keeping the secret. She has lost a bunch of brain cells because of her previous drinking.

Well, maybe Clark could take his sons swimming with the dolphins... and maybe some whales.

Oh, Nancy, I'd love seeing K'al and Los communicating with a dolphin!

K'al has been trained to be a ruler. Los would have more time for such things like learning English.

I can't help it, I love that K'al is worse at speaking English than Los. I think you've made these two boys very similar, but subtly, adorably different, too.

Not as hard as Navajo, I hope! (Navajo is supposed to be about the hardest language around.)

Not as hard as Kryptonian, but still not an easy language... hilarious!


You don't like Ching, eh, Nancy? I think you made me feel that....

Los smiled lightly then and said softly, "Who.. was that girl? And her name... Lara...."

Clark raised his eyebrows, realizing that they had no idea who she was. He spoke in English and thought in Kryptonian (no small feat), <"That was my youngest daughter Lara. And yes, she is named after... Lara.">

They both nodded and K'al said, <~We would not have thought that possible. Hmmm....~>
What? It should not have been possible for Clark to name his youngest daughter after his mother?
At this point, they didn't realize that Clark had any other children. Remember that Clark never actually told them who Jon was, and they wouldn't have 'heard' the conversation between Jon and Zared because Jon and Zared were speaking to each other. Oh, they could have intruded on the conversation, but that would have been rude...

Did anybody notice my cute little sappy play on words:

Quote they could trace Trace via the phone.

Thanks again, everybody!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~