Maria: LOL! Two marriages in the U.S. is hardly a scandal! It's almost par for the course.

I did that mostly to explain why James didn't know that Lois was Lucy's sister.

And..Nancy, I like Chloe in Smallville too. But sometimes her aggressiveness to get a story leads others to think she's *itchy. Chloe is not necessarily a bad girl. Didn't you see Lois defend her? Lucy has always been a bit of a spoiled, beautiful *itch herself! Lois will get her chance in an upcoming chapter to figure out if she's for real or not.

I rewrote the phone number "scene"...and I always thought that "night" or "nite" had become interchangeable now. But I want you to be I'll find it and change it LOL!

Now I want to know how you did this: ½
I can only ever do this: 1/2
I think Microsoft word does it for me automatically...when I type "1/2" it changes it to "½" automatically!

Next post will have a little romance in it!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"