Thanks Poussin, Maria, and Ann for your feedback.

Jon has had kidney problems in the past? Even though he is invulnerable? Are his kidneys okay now?
His body is suppose to heal it self.
Well, he is half human. Since Superman canon (not sure if it was on the show or not) says Clark broke his arm when he was four, I figured 1/2 human kids could get sick - though not as severe as humans. I haven't decided yet if he is completely okay or not. He's still only 17.

Telepathically-Tuned Time Transport Teleporter or T-5... Ahh... the mystery!

It's Zara going to be present?
Hmmm.... I'll answer somewhat indirectly - she will be in the story.

WOW! Thanks!!

Anyway, Nancy, THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you for indulging this grousy old Lois fan. Thank you so, so much for showing me that Clark still loves Lois. You know how much better I feel about him now?
Double Wow! WOW!WOW!

I can even wish him good luck in his upcoming marriage to Caitlyn. I even think he is nice enough to deserve to move on with Caitlyn!

Hannah isn't going to wear the leopard suit. I hanv'e quite decided on a suite, but it will have something to do with tigers. I'm thinking along the lines of making the cape have tiger stripes.


And I loved just all of the conversation between Hannah and Jon. Darn it, Nancy, but you are doing the kids here so irresistibly well. They are so charming, too, that I almost can't believe it. Well, good thing the kids here are so extremely nice.They are Superman's kids, they have his powers, and you wouldn't want to let loose a bunch of superpowered delinquents on the world.
Yes, Clark would have to work hard to make sure he has nice kids. Definitely wouldn't want a bunch of super delinquents running around.

Glad you all liked the DVD bit. I thought it was a nice touch.

An amniotic fluid embolism (An embolism is an abnormal particle circulating in the blood - causes an occlusion in a blood vessel - often in the blood system of the lungs.) is a rare complication of giving birth. Amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the baby), fetal cells, hair, or other debris enter the maternal circulation, causing cardiorespiratory collapse (the heart and breathing stop or become seriously compromised). It's often fatal. It's also often accompanied by DIC. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a complex systemic thrombohemorrhagic disorder involving the generation of intravascular fibrin and the consumption of procoagulants and platelets. I've used those big words because it is indeed very complicated. It becomes a vicious cycle and the bleeding is very difficult to stop. It can also lead to organ failure.

WOW! I made Ann a happy lady!!

I almost like the conversation between Clark and Caitlyn, too. High praise, you know, coming from me!
Yes, it is! THANK YOU!!

Gaaahh! This birthwife stuff!!! Let's hope Zared really doesn't have a birth wife.
I promise - Zared doesn't have a birth wife. You'll see why soon. He's just worried about it because he was born on New Krypton.


I just hope it wouldn't be a problem for Zared's wedding with Jenni
No, no problem really for the wedding - a little angst maybe, but no real problem!

Glad you all liked this part!!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~