This part I liked a lot!!

Somebody's giving Wells a hard time over Tempus. Good!
Lois shot Wells a dirty look. “I’m not the one that dredged up Tempus, Herb, so – ditto!”
Did you mean to do this? Edit: After reading the other feedback, I see that you did. I'd forgotten about that scene.

“That’s Clark, nice!”
Ah, poor Alt Lois...
But yet, I can’t let myself believe that someone like him would really want to have … *that* kind of a relationship with *me*.
They didn't date for three years. They had known each other for three years. They didn't date til the second season.

“Oh, it was a *really* long time. Over three years - our wedding night,”
I find this distracting:

barely covered her a$$
Would you consider just changing this to butt or actually using the word you intend this to be?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean here:

“How’s that go?” Thin-Lois asked.
Captain Kirk has met his match:
“To meddle where no woman has meddled before.”
I'm glad to see that our Clark convinced alt Lois that her Clark really was in love with her.

Ooh, what a ringer in the works! So is this Chloe going to be moony eyed over Clark, too?
“My name is Chloe Sullivan. I’m your step-sister from California.”
Oh, Ann, I think he would have:

I do believe that Clark - "our" Clark, not alt-Clark - may have fallen in love with a big version of his Lois, too, but I don't think he would have fallen as instantly or as hard.
Oh, gosh, I hope not! Not yet, anyway.

Did this Lois tell her Clark about that part of her conversation with her thin twin, too?
Bad pun, Ann, bad pun...

The plot thickens!!! (Pun intended, I think.)
I agree that Smallville's Clark is attracted to Lois now. I think the Lana / Clark relationship is over. As for poor Chloe, her love for Clark will alway remain unrequited.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~