Regards the "Smallville" nickname: it's Clark's nickname in the comics as well as the animated series.... not just the TV series Smallville...I think it's cute, and she explained to him previously that it was *her* home town, too, in their past when she uses it, she's kind of referring to their previous life together, which I think is sweet....

Regards Lois' weight: she's a size 16W instead of a 28W. That's a pretty significant weight loss. Those of us lucky ones that have dieting experience know that the first 100 pounds is alot easier than the last 50 or, Lois is back in the U.S where food is more plentiful = greater temptation.

You can be assured that this Lois will *never* look like *our* Lois. But she can still be attractive, feisty, smart...all of the qualities that we love in our Lois Lanes...


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"